5. NEWS

Menufilmid is Estonian production and distribution company, recognized with grants by local and European level as well with our awarded films.

We offer full range of production services and enable the best European films to reach the Estonian and Baltic audience. We hold advertising and PR-campaigns of our films, we take care of all kinds of adaptation and subtitling work, we produce advertising, documentary and feature films, and additionally we are constantly searching for small minority investment and co-production projects.

One of our first minority co production role was in a Spanish-Portuguese full length feature film, Black Diamonds (orig. Diamantes Negros, in Est. Mustad teemandid). Black Diamonds had its Estonian premiere during Black Nights Film Festival, at the same time as the film had its premiere in Madrid and started its theatrical release in Spain.

Menufilmid stands on the long experience of strong professionals.
Ask more about our works done: anu@menufilmid.com

Anu Veermäe

Anu Veermäe-Kaldra, head of production services, has a master in European Audiovisual Management and a degree in advertising and media, additionally she has also studied psychology. Anu has been the sales manager, executive producer and co-producer of various films. She has produced music videos, TV serials and more than a thousand commercials with various creative teams for Baltic, Swedish and Finnish TV channels. According to the Hollywood reporter 2004, Anu Veermäe was the film industry's most influential women among the 100 listed producers in the world.

Filmography: Love Express (2017, documentary), Hell in India (2017, documentary), Black Diamonds (2013, full-length feature), Rat-trap (2011, full-length feature), Revolution of Pigs (2004, full-length feature), Happy Birthday! (2004, doc), The Beauty of the Fatherland 2001, doc), The Human Camera (1999, short)

Anu Veermäe on International Movie Database
Anu Veermäe on Estonian Movie Database

Kristiina Davidjants

Kristiina Davidjants, head of acquasitions, studied at the Estonian Institute of Humanities, and graduated from Tallinn University as a documentary filmmaker in 2001. Kristiina is the sales and advertising campaign manager for the feature-film Black Diamonds in Estonia. She has been a documentary director, producer, has published film reviews in newspapers and worked as a documentary expert at the Estonian Film Foundation. In 2003 Kristiina Davidjants was nominated as the best film critic of the year by the Association of the Estonian Film Journalists.

Filmography: Antibodies (2000, doc), Hello, Sweet Home (2001, doc), Intimate Town (2003, doc), Looking for Nipernaadi (2008, doc), Bound by Blood (2008, short), Palusalu (2009, doc), Tallinn Burning (2014, doc), Love Express (2017, doc)

Kristiina Davidjants on International Movie Database
Kristiina Davidjants on Estonian Movie Database

2020 aasta Juunis toetas Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutus Menufilmid OÜ produktsiooniteenuste ekspordivõimekuse suurendamise projekti.

Projekti eesmärk: Projekti eesmärk on Menufilmid OÜ ekspordivõimekuse suurendamine ja jätkusuutlikkuse tagamine produktsiooniteenuse pakkumisel.

Projekti lühikirjeldus: Projekti tegevustena tutvustab Menufilmid OÜ Eestit filmivõteteks sobiva asukohana Euroopa filmi- ja reklaamitootjate hulgas. Eestis on mitmeid unikaalseid filmivõtete asukohti, mis on Euroopa filmi- ja reklaamfilmide tootjate jaoks atraktiivsed (näiteks: Nõukogude Liidu aegsed militaarobjektid, ajaloolised mõisad ja lossid, kaasaegne linnakeskkond jne). Samuti on Eestis kogenud ja hea mainega filmitööstuse spetsialistid (operaatorid, valgustajad, kunstnikud jne), kes on võimelised tagama filmide ja/või reklaamfilmide kõrge kunstilise taseme. Menufilmid OÜ peamine sihtturg on Soome.

Toetusprogramm: Loomemajanduse eksporditoetus.

Toetuse summa: 40.465,69 EUR.


+372 5624 2424